Our Stories

Koen is een echte bruggenbouwer en nieuwsgierig van nature. Tijdens zijn twintigjarige carrière bij FrieslandCampina heeft hij met succes verschillende disciplines en teams binnen het bedrijf met elkaar verbonden, wat heeft geleid tot innovatieve oplossingen. Als zoon van een melkveehouder voelde Koen zich helemaal thuis bij Cooperative Affairs. "CA is echt een speciale afdeling. Door het rechtstreekse contact met onze melkveehouders kun je echt een verschil maken.

Koen is a true bridge-builder and curious by nature. Over his twenty-year career at FrieslandCampina, he has successfully connected various disciplines and teams across the company, resulting in innovative solutions. As the son of a dairy farmer, Koen felt right at home in Cooperative Affairs. “CA is truly a special department. Through direct contact with our dairy farmers, you can really make a difference. The people who work here are very driven from the core of our business and it’s truly inspiring to see and motivating to be a part of." Koen shares.

At FrieslandCampina, our business revolves around our purpose ‘Nourishing by Nature’. But how does that translate into how we nourish our people at FrieslandCampina. How do we give them what they need to thrive in their roles? Our CPO, Patricia Snel, sat down with Willemijn Noppers, Global Director Work & Health to discuss this topic in a double interview.

I am passionate about seizing every opportunity to continuously enhance our understanding of business dynamics through data.
Goman is passionate by nature, but how does he translate this into building his career within FrieslandCampina?

"Unleash Your Nature is a holistic approach that benefits both the company and society, making a positive impact on the planet. Innovation and collaboration are central to my daily tasks, involving teamwork across departments to enhance business performance."
Subendra identifies himself as collaborative, but how does he apply this to advancing his career within FrieslandCampina?

Meet Meera Gangani , Shopper Marketing Specialist, offers a glimpse into her journey and experiences within the company and what makes it a truly special place to work.

‘’FrieslandCampina UK doesn’t feel like a massive organisation, it feels more like a small medium-sized enterprise (SME), but you benefit from the backing of a global organisation.”

“The best culture I have been a part of is at FrieslandCampina UK. There is an environment of fun whilst all striving to achieve success.”

Some exciting news to share; our ‘Commercial Academy’ won three prestigious awards at the Learning Technologies Awards in London. Over 450 entries were received this year from various industries such as Deloitte, Vodafone, Volvo, and BP. FrieslandCampina, in collaboration with our external learning agency RMMBR, applied for four award categories and received nominations in all four, highlighting our commitment to pioneering effective solutions that enhance the learning environment ensuring we bring the learning into the business.