Corporate Traineeship

As a Corporate trainee you are ambitious, think and act beyond boundaries and strive to develop yourself within your discipline or even broader.

The FrieslandCampina traineeship is a two-year program, starting in March and September. With two challenging assignments, both one year, you can make a difference in your field and really contribute to the company and a better world.

Our ‘fast track’ program for future leaders accelerates personal and professional development with lots of potential to grow in a short time, for example with our training & development program set up by a renowned partner. 

Corporate Traineeship

Chúng tôi cần

  • Fresh graduate or entry level work experience 
  • Finished Masters degree
  • Eager to learn
  • Strong self-motivated
  • Ready to make an impact
  • Dutch for the tracks Supply Chain & Operations and Technology & Operations

Chúng tôi có

  • A fast track program for future leaders
  • Personal development program based on future leadership skills (eg. one-on-one coaching and hard and soft skill training)
  • Career development program (eg. internal mentoring program, business challenges and career days)
  • Two challenging one year assignments
  • Informal activities with your interdisciplinary cohort (eg. introduction week and factory visits)

Mô tả vị trí tuyển dụng

We have a trainee program for the following disciplines starting March 1st:

The applications are now open! You can apply from September 1st until October 10 23:59. 

Chúng tôi tự hào rằng FrieslandCampina sở hữu một môi trường làm việc tuyệt vời - nơi mà mọi nhân viên được là CHÍNH MÌNH và được TRAO QUYỀN để phát huy hết tiềm năng của bản thân. Chúng tôi luôn khuyến khích sự khác biệt và hoan nghênh tất cả ứng viên bất kể giới tính, tôn giáo, chủng tộc, khuynh hướng tình dục, tuổi tác, khuyết tật, quốc tịch. Ngay cả khi bạn chưa đáp ứng hết tất cả các yêu cầu của vị trí đăng tuyển, nhưng bạn nhận thấy chúng tôi là nơi bạn đang tìm kiếm, hãy tự tin ứng tuyển ngay nhé!

The traineeship is a program of 2 years, where you will complete two assignments for one year. The assignments could be an extension of each other or totally different. Your first assignment is assigned to you by us. After the first year we assess together what could be a good second assignment for your development and personal growth. When you work at FrieslandCampina you will find out the sky is the limit when it comes to your own career! When you proactively look for new opportunities, anything is possible. After the second assignment you will flow into a permanent position, which is a logical next step for your career.
As a trainee you work with a lot of external and internal stakeholders, this is why we need people with strong communication and influencing skills. We are looking for trainees with an open mindset, who work in a proactive and self-asserting way.

Ứng tuyển ngay

Liên hệ

Pien Mulder

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JOB-ID: 54625 | Corporate Traineeship, Netherlands

What is your name?

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Hello , we’d like to ask you some questions.


For which track are you applying?


Will you have a finished Masters degree by March 1st 2025?


How did you find out about our Traineeship?

Basic information

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