Inventory Accountant Officer

As an Inventory Accountant Officer, you will be handling claims for company assets and ensure inventory accuracy. This role involves maintaining the safety and condition of all assets and verifying inventory data.

Inventory Accountant Officer

Ce ne dorim

- Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance, or a related field would be a plus point.
- Have a prior experience in inventory management or accounting, preferably within the FMCG or manufacturing industry.
- Strong attention to detail and accuracy.
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite.
- Good communication and interpersonal skills.
- Have experience with SAP ECC/EWM will be advantages.

Ce oferim

You will be working with a wonderful team who are motivated to contribute and to live our purpose.
- Comprehensive training
- Career development
- Opportunity to #UnleashYourNature

Descrierea postului vacant

- Handle and monitor insurance claims, ensuring timely processing and renewal of policies.
- Prepare and update reports on claim status and insurance budgets.
- Conduct cycle counts and manage inventory systems to ensure data accuracy.
- Prepare stock movement reconciliations and inventory provisions.
- Coordinate with respective departments and other stakeholders regarding production, warehouse and damaged goods.
- Alignment with shared service center team for posting and manual journal related
- Prepare the accruals of inventory related in monthly closing

La FrieslandCampina credem într-un mediu de lucru în care fiecare angajat își poate manifesta personalitatea în mod autentic și se simte împuternicit să își descătușeze întregul potențial. Acceptăm diferențele și suntem deschisi către aplicanți, indiferent de sex, religie, rasă, orientare sexuală, vârstă, dizabilitate sau naționalitate. Dacă cine suntem noi ți se potrivește, te încurajăm să aplici, chiar dacă simți că s-ar putea să nu îndeplinești toate cerințele rolului.

Detalii despre echipa

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For thousands of people every day, we are more than just a dairy company. To our farmers, our employees, the communities we serve, the businesses we work with and the people to whom we bring happiness, FrieslandCampina means something more. For them it's not just about what we do, but who we are.

We value talented people from any background who want to contribute to something bigger than themselves. We encourage all of our employees to make decisions that benefit our entire company. At FrieslandCampina we own our own career and act accordingly. We trust you to make a difference in your job and influence the bigger picture. Working at FrieslandCampina means you are contributing to a better world.

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JOB-ID: 56222 | Inventory Accountant Officer, Indonesia
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