Making sustainability concrete

Pablo is passionate by nature


"Since I started my studies, I have been passionate about making sustainability concrete and put numbers on it. We all want to do things in a sustainable way, but how much and what does it mean? I want my children to have the same opportunities to enjoy the world as I had during my life, so I work every day to keep our planet as healthy as possible.” Pablo is passionate about sustainability. How does he bring his passionate nature to life in his job as Research Specialist at FrieslandCampina?

Nourish a growing population and nature

“As a society, we have asked farmers to play different roles through history. In the last 70 years, the emphasis was on producing more and nutritious food. That is still very important, but we need to do this in a sustainable way. If we want to nourish a growing poopulation, we can only do that if we nourish nature too. We need to support our farmers in finding revenue models for their role as nature conservationists too."

Member dairy farmer and cows

Keep a systemic and holistic view


“The key is to look at it from a systemic view and more holistically. Farms are complex systems. It's not just pulling one switch and it's done. The ecosystem is very complex and pulling one switch can trigger another and another. Knowing where we can win or lose is essential. It's a balancing act. We need to translate (traditional) research done under controlled conditions to the complex reality our farmers are faced with every day in order to help them ‘turn the right gear’ for becoming more sustainable."

Produce milk in a more sustainable way

“With projects on carbon sequestration (soils/plants taking up carbon from the air), biodiversity and regenerative farming (minimizing the impact on soil and climate) we increase knowledge on sustainable dairy farming. We do that together with universities and research institutes, but also with farmers and their data and ideas. This knowledge helps us to continuously improve our sustainable strategy for FrieslandCampina, and to support farmers to make choices at their farm to produce milk in a more sustainable way." 


Working together


“I worked in the academic sector for 20 years and when I joined FrieslandCampina I was surprised to see the collaboration with competing companies. At the moment we are working with a large consortium to develop guidelines to account for carbon sequestration (soils/plants taking up carbon from the air) in the livestock sector. The first guidelines are published and we are now working on pilot studies to validate them. This will help our member dairy farmers to understand how much carbon their soils can sequester, how to measure it and what they can do to improve it and get revenue from it.”

Together, we are working towards a better climate and better nature

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