Controlling Planning & Reporting Analyst

FrieslandCampina ist eines der größten Molkereiunternehmen der Welt mit einer über 150 Jahre alten genossenschaftlichen Tradition. Das Unternehmen verarbeitet die Milch der Milchviehbetriebe zu einem großen Sortiment von Milchprodukten und Inhaltsstoffen aus Milch. So versorgt FrieslandCampina täglich hunderte Millionen von Menschen weltweit mit wertvollen Nährstoffen aus Milch.  


FrieslandCampina versorgt Verbraucher:innen mit Milchprodukten, wie Milch, Joghurt, Kondensmilch, Milchgetränken, Käse, Butter, Quark und Sahne. Für professionelle Nutzer:innen der Bereiche Bäckerei, Konditorei, Chocolaterie, Küche und Catering bietet FrieslandCampina ein breit gefächertes Produktsortiment, unter anderem Sahne, Butter, Desserts und Füllungen. Außerdem liefert das Unternehmen hochwertige Inhaltsstoffe an internationale Lebensmittelhersteller und die pharmazeutische Industrie. 


Im Jahr 2022 lieferten 9.927 Mitglied-Milchviehbetriebe in den Niederlanden, Deutschland und Belgien über 9,5 Milliarden Kilogramm Milch zur Verarbeitung in Molkereiprodukte und -inhaltsstoffe an. FrieslandCampina hat Niederlassungen in 31 Ländern und exportiert in über hundert Länder weltweit. Durchschnittlich beschäftigte FrieslandCampina im Jahr 2022 21.715 Mitarbeiter:innen (VZÄ). In Deutschland hat FrieslandCampina Germany GmbH einen Firmensitz in Düsseldorf mit den Funktionseinheiten Sales, Marketing, Finance, Custumor Supply Chain und General Management. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte: 

Controlling Planning & Reporting Analyst

Chúng tôi cần

  • bachelor's or master's degree in Finance and/or professional accountancy qualification from a recognized university
  • 5 years of experience in the field of finance controlling, accounting or auditing
  • very good knowledge in SAP, SAP BW, Oracle HFM and Microsoft Office
  • very good English skills
  • practive mindset, strong analytical skills and professional communication in a dynamic work environment

Chúng tôi có

  • hybrid working model with 2 days in the office
  • a friendly corporate culture with flat hierarchies in a dynamic, motivated team
  • an innovative and communicative open-space office concept
  • attractive and performance-related renumeration, attractive social benefits and a company pension scheme
  • benefits such as free-parking, subsidies for public transportation, free products for consumption in our social area
  • personal and professional development opportunities via our in-house academy

Mô tả vị trí tuyển dụng

  • member of the local finance team (planning & reporting) in close cooperation with the commercial team, the financial shared service center and the headquarter
  • support of month-, quarter-, half-year- and year-end-closing activities for the legal entities (IFRS) and managerial entity
  • analysis of balance sheet and trade-working-capital developments
  • support in the monthly forecast and yearly budget planning
  • tracking and review of different cost types (e.g. A&P, write offs, SG&A)
  • reconciliation and allocation of distribution and selling cost
  • data consoldiation and HFM-reporting (Oracle Hyperion)
  • support regarding internal control and audit processes
  • project support and process improvement 
Chúng tôi tự hào rằng FrieslandCampina sở hữu một môi trường làm việc tuyệt vời - nơi mà mọi nhân viên được là CHÍNH MÌNH và được TRAO QUYỀN để phát huy hết tiềm năng của bản thân. Chúng tôi luôn khuyến khích sự khác biệt và hoan nghênh tất cả ứng viên bất kể giới tính, tôn giáo, chủng tộc, khuynh hướng tình dục, tuổi tác, khuyết tật, quốc tịch. Ngay cả khi bạn chưa đáp ứng hết tất cả các yêu cầu của vị trí đăng tuyển, nhưng bạn nhận thấy chúng tôi là nơi bạn đang tìm kiếm, hãy tự tin ứng tuyển ngay nhé!
  • bachelor's or master's degree in Finance and/or professional accountancy qualification from a recognized university
  • 5 years of experience in the field of finance controlling, accounting or auditing
  • very good knowledge in SAP, SAP BW, Oracle HFM and Microsoft Office
  • very good English skills
  • practive mindset, strong analytical skills and professional communication in a dynamic work environment
Ứng tuyển ngay
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JOB-ID: 54738 | Controlling Planning & Reporting Analyst, Germany
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