General Management

Manager and employee talking

Inspiring Leadership is Key for Development


Our General Managers possess a high level of conceptual and strategic intelligence. They can read and assess situations, identify strengths and weaknesses. They have the courage to take bold principle-based decisions aimed at long-term results.

A key responsibility of any leader at FrieslandCampina is to identify, grow and stretch talent.

As a leader it is your job to inspire and support employees’ development and to create an environment of trust where people can grow.

Show your passion and invest in our future leaders

"Leadership at FrieslandCampina for me is the opportunity to leave your mark on the strategy & results of the unit you are responsible for. Inspire your team with the passion with which we serve our customers and consumers and be an example in how we work together with others. You get the opportunity to lead and learn at the same time. And you as a leader will identify and nurture the talent in your organisation, and in this way support the growth of the leaders of tomorrow." - Jeroen van de Broek, Managing Director Consumer Dairy Belgium

Jeroen van de Broek

Core Activities

  • Developing and executing strategy for the responsible organisational unit with a high degree of agility
  • Leading changes for the responsible business and organisational unit
  • Managing and coaching the team by having a continuous dialogue, supporting continuous improvement and finding balance in a highly volatile environment
  • Putting team members in their role, providing a clear way forward with the strategy and empowering others, while setting clear expectations

Find your discipline

Commercial & Business Development

Research & Development, Sales & Marketing
Phát triển thương mại và kinh doanh

Operations, Technology & Safety

Engineering & Technology , Operations & Manufacturing , Performance Excellence , Quality, Safety, Health & Environment
Operations, Technology & Safety

Project & General Management

Project Management , General Management
Project & General Management

Supply Chain & Logistics

Supply Chain & Logistics
Supply Chain & Logistics Vietnam

Supporting Services

Communication, Human Resources, Legal , Finance , IT & Digital, Procurement
Supporting service in vietnam