Intern R&D Global Process Technology

The job focuses on answering and investigating the following questions.
1) Is there an effect of product composition on the inactivation of microorganisms during spray drying, and if so, which components have an effect on this?
2) Is there an effect of powder handling, e.g. the temperature conditions of the freshly dried product, and storage time, on inactivation of microorganisms?
3) Is there an effect of operating conditions on inactivation of microorganisms?

Intern R&D Global Process Technology


We are looking for enthusiastic, driven, and passionate intern who are able to apply his critical thinking skills in delivering the theoretical and practical tasks related to the subject. Knowledge of laboratory general safety aspects and best practices is a requirement. Knowledge and some experience in pilot trials or small scale up is advantageous.

Amit kínálunk

We offer an interesting and challenging internship position, providing you the opportunity to develop yourself in your work field. You can count on sufficient professional supervision and a reasonable internship allowance.

This is an opportunity to combine theoretical and hands-on experience about microbiological reduction and spraydrying technology in an environment of R&D experts in Process Technology.

Pozíció bemutatás

The candidate will do some literature review on the effect of spray drying on microorganisms, perform analysis on samples collected from factories, perform lab scale tests with these powders and execute a pilot plant spray drying trial to test the hypotheses generated during these two stages.

A FrieslandCampina-nál egy olyan munkakörnyezetben hiszünk, ahol munkavállalóink önmagát adhatják és úgy érzik minden adott hozzá, hogy kiteljesedhessenek. Tiszteljük és vállaljuk a különbségeket, így nemi, nemzetiségbeli, faji, szexuális beállítottságbeli, korbeli hovatartozástól, hátrányos helyzettől függetlenül várjuk jelentkezőinket. Ha az, amit képviselünk megragadta érdeklődésed, bátorítunk, hogy jelentkezz pozícióinkra.

The Expert Team Process Technology is a multidisciplinary, multi-cultural and dynamic group of specialists in the field of process technologies. Here we strive to provide innovative solutions to boost the future of FrieslandCampina, so that we can keep on providing superior nutrition to the current and the generations to come.

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JOB-ID: 51946 | Intern R&D Global Process Technology, Netherlands
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