Being an active and engaged ally for the LGBTIQ+ community

Dewi - inclusive by nature


"It is FrieslandCampina’s ambition to create a working environment that allows all employees to bring their best and authentic selves to work and unleash their true nature. As I am currently finalising my bachelor International Development Management, it has been really great to put my knowledge into practice and make a contribution towards that goal." Dewi is Inclusive Diversity intern at FrieslandCampina, which perfectly fits her inclusive nature. 

Creating a more inclusive working environment

"Over the past months I have done an internship at FrieslandCampina in the Netherlands and focused on how the company can create a more inclusive working environment for its LGBTIQ+ employees. I was invited to join FrieslandCampina’s Inclusive Diversity (ID) Committee and advise them on what actions to take in the short and long term to ensure LGBTIQ+ employees can be themselves at work and thus thrive. The ID Committee initiates new policies and guidelines, raises awareness by organising events and drives community building, but recognises that we have embarked on a journey and there is still plenty of work to be done."

raising the flag


"I have spoken to many LGBTIQ+ employees and it was my top priority to listen to their needs and translate those into realistic and helpful recommendations. My thesis is not finished yet, but one of my recommendations will be to build a LGBTIQ+ community network where people can find a safe space to connect and to meet up on a regular basis."

It concerns all of us

"I spent half my time on doing research and the other half on preparing ID communication tools and organising events such as raising the rainbow flag at 9 different production locations on the 17th May (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia). We also organised a lunch event with Jörgen Raymann, a Dutch comedian and presenter, to show that Inclusive Diversity is not only about certain groups of people in society but really concerns all of us."

Event with Jorgen


It was very inspiring to be part of a group of people who are intrinsically motivated to make a change together.

"We all have our personal reasons to work on this topic and you can feel that drive. It also makes me proud that I can make a difference for LGBTIQ+ employees by being an active and engaged ally within FrieslandCampina."

Would you like to succeed Dewi as our Inclusive Diversity intern?

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