QA Services & Support Manager
Did you know that you already know us? Almost every second tablet on the global market contains our products. DFE Pharma has a strong and leading position in excipients and is recognized for its high quality products and services. We work with practically all big pharmaceutical companies worldwide.
As this demands great entrepreneurial power we are always looking for people who take ownership and are not afraid of accountability.
Now is your chance to join! Are you a pro-active manager to bring our Quality service to the next level for our customers?
- A M.Sc. in Pharmacy, Chemistry, Food Technology or equivalent, with at least 5 years working experience in the Pharmaceutical industry
- People Manager
- Able to influence internal and external stakeholders on quality related topics
- Outstanding verbal and written communication in English (German or Dutch are nice to have but not mandatory)
- Experience in Excipients, Lactose, Nutraceuticals, Biopharma is a pré
Amit kínálunk
- International work environment
- Continuous learning and development; your development is not only good for your career; we also benefit from it
- Excellent remuneration package
- Short communication and short decision lines
- One day per year off for volunteering activity
- Hybrid working (two days office and three days home office)
Pozíció bemutatás
- Represent DFE towards relevant external stakeholders (e.g. customers, customer auditors, contract manufacturers)
- Define and monitor customer agreements, including customer services, complaint handling and troubleshooting
- Drive standardization and efficiency (continuous improvement) in processes and systems , GMP and GDP
- Ensure an effective Quality Services & Support culture in the organization, together with sales, tech. support and production
- Contribute to the development of the customer experience by providing state-of-the-art
- Define and ensures required capabilities, continuity and governance
- Facilitate Sales Support, QA Operations support, Site support, change management support, data sharing Complaints handling
- Develop trainings and ensures training of employees for general quality awareness and topics
- Control the applicable budgets
A FrieslandCampina-nál egy olyan munkakörnyezetben hiszünk, ahol munkavállalóink önmagát adhatják és úgy érzik minden adott hozzá, hogy kiteljesedhessenek. Tiszteljük és vállaljuk a különbségeket, így nemi, nemzetiségbeli, faji, szexuális beállítottságbeli, korbeli hovatartozástól, hátrányos helyzettől függetlenül várjuk jelentkezőinket. Ha az, amit képviselünk megragadta érdeklődésed, bátorítunk, hogy jelentkezz pozícióinkra.
JOB-ID: 56075 |
QA Services & Support Manager,