Intern Product Development Whipped Topping Powders

Intern Product Development Whipped Topping Powders
In the R&D Food team of FrieslandCampina Professional we develop various spray-dried ingredients for the bakery and savoury market, such as fat powders and whipping agents. We are looking for an enthusiastic intern to join our team. Do you have interest in understanding interactions between ingredients and their influence on product foaming and stabilization? Would you like to experience working in a R&D environment? This internship position might be something for you!

Intern Product Development Whipped Topping Powders


What we ask


To be successful in this position, you are/have:

  • Studying towards a MSc in subjects such as Food Technology, Chemical/Food Engineering, or similar Affinity with food physics and analysis of large data set
  • Good English language skills, both written and spoken
  • Pro-active and hands-on mentality
  • A current student with EU nationality or enrolled at a Dutch university
  • Full time availability from end September for six months

Amit kínálunk

We offer an interesting and challenging internship position, providing you the opportunity to develop yourself in your work field. You can count on sufficient professional supervision and a reasonable internship allowance.

Pozíció bemutatás

Your internship will be focused on screening new approaches to increase knowledge and speed in our product development projects. It will include topics as in depth evaluation of ingredients and emulsions to learn more on the interaction between various raw materials and their influence on product performance (foaming/stabilization), and testing set-ups for emulsification experiments on lab scale. Translating your learnings to the specific needs of our customers and their final consumers will help our team in current and future product developments. Next to your own assignment you will have the opportunity to attend pilot plant trials at our production location and to contribute to other running R&D projects.

To apply, you will need knowledge of food physical chemistry and food analyses, and a general interest in investigation functionality of food ingredients. We are looking for someone who has affinity with analysis of large data sets generated by the broad range of tests performed. Experience in laboratory work and/or analytical techniques is important, but not as essential as your enthusiasm and your positive outlook.

A FrieslandCampina-nál egy olyan munkakörnyezetben hiszünk, ahol munkavállalóink önmagát adhatják és úgy érzik minden adott hozzá, hogy kiteljesedhessenek. Tiszteljük és vállaljuk a különbségeket, így nemi, nemzetiségbeli, faji, szexuális beállítottságbeli, korbeli hovatartozástól, hátrányos helyzettől függetlenül várjuk jelentkezőinket. Ha az, amit képviselünk megragadta érdeklődésed, bátorítunk, hogy jelentkezz pozícióinkra.

For thousands of people every day, we are more than just a dairy company. To our farmers, our employees, the communities we serve, the businesses we work with and the people to whom we bring happiness, FrieslandCampina means something more. For them it's not just about what we do, but who we are.

We value talented people from any background who want to contribute to something bigger than themselves. We encourage all of our employees to make decisions that benefit our entire company. At FrieslandCampina we own our own career and act accordingly. We trust you to make a difference in your job and influence the bigger picture. Working at FrieslandCampina means you are contributing to a better world.

FrieslandCampina Professional Food develops, produces and markets premium quality, functional ingredients for the world’s food manufacturers. We produce spray-dried, encapsulated ingredients, which not only meet all the food industry standards, but also the highest quality standards. The development team is responsible for the development of products and applications in the fat powders and whipping agents portfolio.

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JOB-ID: 53873 | Intern Product Development Whipped Topping Powders, Netherlands
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