Demand Planner (maternity cover)

Our future colleague will be responsible for developing and optimizing the demand planning (forecast) process by planning future orders, implementing all specific tools and monitoring the main performance indicators.

Demand Planner (maternity cover)


  • Good knowledge of MS Office, SFA/SAP
  • General knowledge and notions about dairy products
  • Presentation skills
  • Project management skills
  • A customer-oriented attitude
  • Organizational and planning skills
  • Results oriented
  • Business acumen - good understanding of the organization and the industry
  • Initiative, proactive cooperation.
  • Analytical thinking, discipline, good communication skills
  • Honesty and responsibility,
  • Influencing skills
  •  The ability to manage ambiguous situations
  • Flexibility, positive attitude, proactivity, integrity 
  • Easy to adapt in a dynamic, fast changing environments

Amit kínálunk

• Trust: We trust you and your knowledge will make the difference in our company.
• Authenticity: We believe that when you stay true to your nature, you will get the most out of your natural potential. Your nature is the precious essence of who you are. It is the set of beliefs that drive how you do what you do and what you want from life
• We reward the initiative: We think we're better together. That's why we support our colleagues to dare to come up with ideas that help us in the continuous development of the company and not only.
• Autonomy and development: We support the ongoing development of our colleagues regardless of their role. We provide authentic learning experiences and impactful projects. We like autonomy and we encourage decision-making even at the lowest level - each of us is part of the success of FrieslandCampina Romania. We value everyone's strengths and maximize them by getting involved in relevant projects.
• Caring culture: We get involved because we care. "Nourishing tomorrow" means for us to take an active role in preparing for the future. Both within the company and in the community, we belong to.
• Balance: Between professional and personal life. If you're okay, we're ok. If you are happy at home, bring your happiness to the office. The things that matter to you will never be neglected. We adapted a Hybrid way of working and a flexible time. You will have your own work rituals aligned with your manager and team

And if you're not convinced yet, join us for:
A young, energetic and open team with experienced & senior colleagues
- A culture based on strong values, open communication and feedback where colleagues are eager to help others
- Autonomy, space for expression and experimentation in a dynamic work environment,
- Accelerated growth, pleasant & informal atmosphere.
- A brand that makes a difference in the market: Napolact & Campina!

Pozíció bemutatás

  • SAP APO-DP system- tool for FORECAST: Plan in the SAP APO-DP system the forecast of sales demand at product level, based on Marketing, Trade Marketing and Sales activities, in collaboration with the sales force,
  • Establish and use the best method for checking and generating the forecast,
  • Actively contributes to the realization of the daily/weekly/monthly forecast, monitors the forecast, using the statistical version and the final version, sales projections, data from the points of sale, the program of events,
  • Communicates with other departments and with the direct manager in specific activities and projects,
  • Is aware of and respects the legislative regulations affecting the field of activity, existing procedures in our the company.
A FrieslandCampina-nál egy olyan munkakörnyezetben hiszünk, ahol munkavállalóink önmagát adhatják és úgy érzik minden adott hozzá, hogy kiteljesedhessenek. Tiszteljük és vállaljuk a különbségeket, így nemi, nemzetiségbeli, faji, szexuális beállítottságbeli, korbeli hovatartozástól, hátrányos helyzettől függetlenül várjuk jelentkezőinket. Ha az, amit képviselünk megragadta érdeklődésed, bátorítunk, hogy jelentkezz pozícióinkra.

For thousands of people every day, we are more than just a dairy company. To our farmers, our employees, the communities we serve, the businesses we work with and the people to whom we bring happiness, FrieslandCampina means something more. For them it's not just about what we do, but who we are. We value talented people from any background who want to contribute to something bigger than themselves.

We encourage all of our employees to make decisions that benefit our entire company. At FrieslandCampina we own our own career and act accordingly. We trust you to make a difference in your job and influence the bigger picture.

Working at FrieslandCampina means you are contributing to a better world.

Jelentkezzen most


Bettina Petró

1  / 
JOB-ID: 53620 | Demand Planner (maternity cover), Romania
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