Global Process Owner

The Global Process Owner Service Management in our global operations is focused on refining and governing main parts of the IT Service Management process framework. The purpose of the role is to guarantee the uniformity and implementation of industry-standard processes within the partner ecosystem.

Global Process Owner


  • Bachelor or Master level of thinking.
  • Practitioner with minimum of 7 years experience with ITIL processes.
  • Result-oriented, persuasion, excellent problem-solving skills.
  • Broad knowledge of agile ways of working (Scrum, Agile, Lean) .
  • Proven ability to work collaboratively & influence others in a cross-functional, multi-application, multi-service provider environment.
  • Team player, works effectively and communicates well with all levels of organization (business and IT); is able to work effectively in a virtual environment.
  • Work highly independent, proactively engages and leads discussions involving multi-disciplinary teams across IT and business groups, makes decisions and gives directions.
  • Strong communicator, excellent stakeholder management, relation builder.

Amit kínálunk

FrieslandCampina offers you a place to be yourself. In an innovative work environment with facilities and support that are second to none, we welcome your skills, ideas and passion. Most of all we welcome you as the person you are and the person you want to be. Our mission is to liberate people to work smarter. Our reward policies support FrieslandCampina’ s values and business strategy by helping to attract, engage and retain the best possible talent at every level. We offer remuneration packages that recognize and reward individual performance, experience and potential, while reflecting competitive practices in all the countries in which we operate. A transparent, consistent and fair approach to reward is critical to our success and growth.

Pozíció bemutatás

  • Design and own end-to-end ITIL Service Management Practices.
  • Drive ownership and E2E service delivery performance in a complex ecosystem across internal and external partners.
  • Oversee overall performance and results of the process, identifies, and manages critical process success factors and continuously improves Service Quality across internal & external partners (measured through KPI improvements) based on Lean and agility.
  • Enable agile ways of working (like DevOps) with the right balance of control and speed.
  • Develop process reporting and progress to peers and leadership.
  • Analyze the current state of the processes and create action plans to improve maturity levels.
  • Adopt best practices, strategies, techniques, and methodologies with a user-centric approach.
  • Lead process integration and automation efforts.
  • Ensure evergreen of Service Management Practice and related documentation.
  • Conduct process trainings and refreshers to business and IT stakeholders.
  • Support the development, testing, improvement, operational delivery, and governance of ITSM processes and tools.
  • Drive implementation of standard execution of the process as well as continuous improvements of the process across IT and business partners.
  • Measure periodically the health and performance of the process and conducts audits to ensure data integrity.
  • Assess risks and dependencies of process changes.
A FrieslandCampina-nál egy olyan munkakörnyezetben hiszünk, ahol munkavállalóink önmagát adhatják és úgy érzik minden adott hozzá, hogy kiteljesedhessenek. Tiszteljük és vállaljuk a különbségeket, így nemi, nemzetiségbeli, faji, szexuális beállítottságbeli, korbeli hovatartozástól, hátrányos helyzettől függetlenül várjuk jelentkezőinket. Ha az, amit képviselünk megragadta érdeklődésed, bátorítunk, hogy jelentkezz pozícióinkra.

For thousands of people every day, we are more than just a dairy company. To our farmers, our employees, the communities we serve, the businesses we work with and the people to whom we bring happiness, FrieslandCampina means something more. For them it's not just about what we do, but who we are. We value talented people from any background who want to contribute to something bigger than themselves. We encourage all of our employees to make decisions that benefit our entire company. At FrieslandCampina we own our own career and act accordingly. We trust you to make a difference in your job and influence the bigger picture. Working at FrieslandCampina means you are contributing to a better world.

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JOB-ID: 51978 | Global Process Owner, Malaysia
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